Max West has a Guild branch, After Eights, Good Companions and Badminton Club.
The Guild meets on the first Tuesday of each month (Secretary A. Dunbar Tel 01387 251455)
The After Eights meets monthly. Contact secretary for details (Secretary A. Stott Tel 01387 255080)
Good Companions meets first Wednesday of each month at 2pm in the Palmerston Arena Cafe. (Contact A. Stott Tel 01387 255080)
Badminton Club meets Mondays at 7.30pm
It also has a strong tradition of Guiding (Guides & Brownies). The Brownies ( 7 to 11) meet Tuesdays at 6.00 pm and the Guides (10 to 14) meet Wednesdays at 7.15 pm in our halls. Uniformed parades are a feature of Thinking Day and Remembrance Sunday services. For enquiries about Guides and Brownies please go to their web site below. Guides and Brownies are closed over the summer but resume last week of August.
Contact Names:
The Guild – Mrs A Dunbar –
After Eights – Miss A Stott
Good Companions – Miss A Stott
Badminton Club – Vacant
Brownies – Mrs J McEwan
Guides – Mrs T Stewart