Solo “Who is this child”
Greeting & Call to Worship
CH4 324 “Angels, from the realms of glory”
Prayers & Lord’s Prayer
CH4 294 “On Christmas night all Christians sing”
First Lesson – Genesis 3:8-15, 17-19
Hymn “God rest you merry, gentlemen”
Second Lesson – Isaiah 9:2-7
Solo “Creator of the stars of night”
Third Lesson – Micah 5,2-4
CH4 304 “O little town of Bethlehem”
Fourth Lesson – Luke 2:1-7
CH4 312 “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed”
Fifth Lesson – Luke 2:8-20
CH4 301 “Hark! the herald angels sing”
Sixth Lesson – Matthew 2:1-12
CH4 323 “The first Nowell the angel did say”
CH4 309 “Silent night, holy night”
Prayer of Intercession
Dismissal & Blessing
CH4 315 “Once in royal David’s city”