When was the last time that you have spoken with someone about your faith? Perhaps that happens often but normally it is not something we would do regularly. Yet, faith is not something like a stone which once you have put it in its place then it lies there for ever – no, it is more like a flower that constantly needs nourishment, otherwise it would wither. Faith can grow but also fade away. It needs to be nursed and one simple way to do this is to speak about it.
Maxwelltown West Church offers a faith course from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost. The meetings will take place on Wednesdays at 7pm in one of the halls next to the church. Every meeting will have two parts. in the first part, information about the topic will be given based on biblical texts and then there will be enough space of time for discussion and talk about the topic. At the end of a meeting texts will be provided that can be used in preparation for the next meeting, but such a preparation is not necessary. It would be helpful to attend the whole course, but it is also possible to attend just a single meeting.
The course addresses both people who have no experience with faith and people who are for a long time on the journey of faith. It is the idea to bring people together with many different experiences in order to learn from each other.
After the completion of the course there will be the opportunity for those who wish to be baptised or confirmed to do this. This will take place in the Pentecost Service on the 5th of June.
The course programme: Wednesdays, 7pm
2nd March – God’s call; 9th March – Faith and Sin; 16th March – Jesus Christ; 23rd March – The Holy Spirit;
30th March – Death and Eternal Life; . . . Easter Break . . . 20th April – The Bible; 27th April – Prayer and Worship; 4th May – The Church; 11th May – Baptism and Confirmation; 18th May – Holy Communion;
25th May – Living as a Christian; 1st June – The Creeds