Our new faith course will look at Paul’s epistle to the Romans.  Paul wrote this letter to introduce himself to the church in Rome before his visit to Rome.  He gives an outline of his theology.  That is why this epistle is basic to an understanding of the Bible.  John Calvin said about Romans, “if a man understands it, he has a sure road opened for him to the understanding of the whole Scripture”.  The study of Romans had often a deep impact on readers. Augustine, for example, found the strength to start a new life after taking up a scroll of Romans.  Martin Luther got his new understanding of the faith that led to the Reformation during his study of Romans.  About Romans 1:17 he said, “This passage in Paul became to me a gateway to heaven.”

The new faith course starts on Wednesday, 4th October, and will take place every Wednesday at 7pm until mid-March.

Wednesdays at 7pm in the Centenary Hall

4    October               Introduction to the Epistle

11 October               Romans 1:1-17

18  October               Romans 1:18-32

25 October               Romans 2

1    November         Romans 3:1-20

8    November         Romans 3:21-31

15  November         Romans 4

22 November         Romans 5

29  November         Romans 6:1-7:6

6    December          Romans 7:7-25

13  December          Rome in Paul’s time

10  January                Romans 8:1-17

17  January                Romans 8:18-39

24 January                Romans 9:1-29

31  January                Romans 9:30-10:21

7    February             Romans 11

14  February             Romans 12

21  February             Romans 13

28  February             Romans 14

6    March                  Romans 15:1-13

13  March                  Romans 15:14-16:27