As an alternative to the continuation of the “Faith Courses” during the summer months, a series of “Faith Walks” was proposed.
The first of these was held on the evening of Friday 9th May at the Crichton estate.  About a dozen of us met at the Crichton Church through the good offices of David Matheson.  Johannes led a short service in the church, which included two appropriate and resonant hymns for what was to follow: prayers and a Reflection which encouraged us to “Stop, Look and Listen”.  This we duly did as we meandered through the Crichton gardens and Arboretum which is home to mature specimens of unusual and rare trees such as the Pocket Handkerchief Tree [Davidia involuerata], the Tulip Tree {Liliodendron tulipifera], the Paper Back Maple [Acer griseum] and the Chilean Fire Bush [Embothrium coccineum].  We wondered at the sheer variety of the natural world here on our doorstep. Our fellowship was all the more meaningful due to this shared experience as we wandered, stopped, looked and listened.
Our second walk took place in June at the Dalswinton estate.  We started at Dalswinton Barony Church, the “Tin Tabernacle”, the last remaining example of a “flat pack” church, a Victorian IKEA, ordered in 1881 from a missionary catalogue.  Johannes led our short service and Reflection at the lochside.  Thereafter we wandered around the loch, noting the first steamboat replica, the original castle and the doocot, taking care not to step on hundreds of tiny frogs that were making their way towards the loch and safety.  It was a beautifully calm evening which matched our mood perfectly.
Our next “Faith Walk” will be centred on Ruthwell Church with its18-foot high stone Anglo-Saxon preaching cross which is thought to date from the 8th century and is one of Scotland’s rarest treasures.

All are welcome to join us for these evenings of reflection, conversation and fellowship.
David Johnson