Hello to everyone,
I hope that you have all had a wonderful Easter and have been able to enjoy the celebrations and the better weather. Spring is indeed here, and we are looking forward in many ways to what is happening in Max West.

Back in March we were given permission by Presbytery to call a minister. This means that there is a process to be followed and work to be done and already our Session Clerk has begun to make sure that the Electoral Roll is complete. You will have an opportunity to check whether your name is on the roll or not. Please contact the Session Clerk or me if you have any queries about this. The next step will be to appoint the nomination committee and prepare a parish profile. All this will take time, but we hope to continue working on the task slowly but surely.

As ever, we are also having to set our budget for the coming year – not an easy task when finances are becoming more and more stretched. We value very much all the time, effort, skills and finance that you give to Max West in whatever way you can through each year, and we hope that will continue.

To try and help things along a bit we have organised a Gift Day to be held on Saturday 8th June. This is our Communion weekend and during the Saturday I will be in the church from 10am – 3pm to welcome anyone who would like to call in and hopefully make a donation to Max West. During the day there will be music from Stephen and Alistair, Anne Drever and the music group and myself, also tea/coffee and biscuits will be available. Please do come and listen and chat and take some time if you can to pray for the work that we do as the people of God in this area of Dumfries. We look forward to seeing you sometime on 8th June.

I hope that you all enjoy the summer and find time to have a break. May the peace of the risen Christ be with you all.

Love and prayers, Sally Russell