Gary, Jacqueline Brough and family moved to Malawi from Lenzie, East Dunbartonshire at the end of 2018 as mission partners of the Church of Scotland. Their aim is to contribute to the creation of a vibrant and Godfearing society.
Gary has visited Malawi many times over 6 years but missed sharing his experiences with his family. Both he and Jacqueline felt the call to do more to help the people of this country. Their young child, Morven, has taken her first steps in Malawi and Eilidh has settled in well to her new school life there.
Gary and Jacqueline have staff to help them in the house and garden and security which they found difficult to accept, but they realise they are helping local people find jobs. The family know there are many things we take for granted in the UK which are not available in Malawi but have soon learned to adapt, i.e. no television, no power most Sundays and it takes 2 days to download films etc.
Women suffer from gender-based violence in the home and even girls as young as Eilidh are victims. Medical resources struggle to cope and education must be used to help to combat this.
Malawi is in the run up to a general election just now. Corruption is a big problem – not just casual bribes that are part of everyday life, but organised corruption that pervades government. It is the poorest and most vulnerable who suffer.
Gary and his team are engaged in bringing these cases to court, also working with other civil society and human rights organisations. He knows his task is enormous but with his great faith and family support he has the strength to carry on. M Y, Missionary Correspondent