Greeting & Call to Worship
Welcome & Intimations
Hymn “Come, children, join to sing” CH4 185
Scripture Sentence
Prayers of Adoration and Confession & Collect of the day
Lord’s Prayer
Hymn “Your love, O God, has called us here” CH4 695
Old Testament Genesis 2:18-24
Hymn “O Lord, our Lord, throughout the earth” CH4 5
Gospel Mark 10:2-16
Hymn “Says Jesus, ‘Come and gather round’” CH4 342
Offering & Prayers of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn “How shall I sing that majesty” CH4 128
Dismissal & Blessing with “Amen, amen, amen” CH4 819
Hymn “May the God of peace go with us” CH4 786