14th Sunday after Pentecost
Offering & Prayer
Welcome & Intimations
Call to Worship
CH4 63 “All people that on earth do dwell”
Psalm 27:1-5
Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
CH4 14 “The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want”
Epistle: Romans 8:31-39
Gospel: John 14:1-6,27
CH4 547 “What a friend we have in Jesus”
Apostles’ Creed
Prayer of Intercession
The Grace
Narrative of the Institution
Taking of the Bread and Wine
CH4 769 “Holy holy holy, my heart, my heart adores you!” (2x)
Lord’s Prayer
Breaking of Bread
CH4 778 “Lamb of God” (3x)
The Peace
CH4 182 “Now thank we all our God”
Dismissal & Blessing