Online services


Our Sunday services are streamed live via YouTube for those who are unable to attend in person. These are transmitted at 11 am on Sundays, and there is also the facility to catch up afterwards.


About Maxwelltown West

We seek to be a place of welcome to all in our parish - a centre of Christian worship and fellowship.

We seek to provide a framework for family life and a place where young people may be nurtured in Christian values.

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About the Church of Scotland

The Church of Scotland seeks to inspire the people of Scotland and beyond with the Good News of Jesus Christ through enthusiastic worshipping, witnessing, nurturing and serving communities.

The Church of Scotland is one of the largest organisations in the country, with more than 340,000 members.

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  • An Invitation

    The congregation of Maxwelltown West invites you to visit us, or to call upon us if we can help you.

Recent news

A letter from our Locum

Greetings to you all. Reading my last article, I see the Beast from the East was still hovering around and cold weather abounded in Mid-April.  Indeed we barely saw spring this year as summer came mid-May, and now mid-July many plants are indeed flowering/fruiting earlier this year than normal.  But what glorious weather we have enjoyed these past 2 months. …

Pilgrimage – a continuing story

The weather could not have been kinder for our first Pilgrimage Walk on May 12th.  It seems a long time ago now, but the sunshine we experienced then has continued throughout this hot summer.  18 “pilgrims” and a frisky spaniel followed the Ruthwell Heritage Trail, starting and finishing at “The Farmers’ Inn”, Clarencefield, and taking in the Bluebell Wood, the…

World Church Team

The World Church Team received the following from John Njeru: Report from Mathia Church in Kiangai Parish, Kirimara East Presbytery I feel so delighted to have an opportunity to give you the report of Mathia church.  I may first want to quote from the sermon that was preached on Sunday 8th of August 2018.  This was from various texts and…

Letter from the Interim Moderator

Hello to everyone, I hope that you all had a good Easter and are now looking forward to the summer and hopefully some warm and sunny weather.  Regarding the matter of the appointment of an Interim Minister for Max West, I am sorry to have to say that there is nothing new to report at this time.  We have done…

A letter from our Locum

Greetings to you all.  I write this article mid-April and barely a feeling of Spring. Hopefully by the time you are reading this we will have at least enjoyed some sunshine and warmth and be feeling ready to cast off our winter clothes and seek out lighter summer wear. Let me reflect upon the season of Lent leading us up…

Good News from the World Church Team

The humanitarian project in Bondo, initiated in 2007, has during those 11 years, raised over £72,000. From small beginnings the community led by Winnie Owuor and her helpers has now reached a position of self-sustainability.  For example, the development of their fish farming “Small Business Fund” provided by Maxwelltown West Church has now been so successful that it has been…


A deliverance proposed and accepted at last year’s General Assembly of the Church of Scotland reversed centuries of the Church’s hostility to the ancient practice of Pilgrimage and affirmed its place in the life of the Kirk.  Congregations were asked to explore the opportunities for pilgrimage locally, in a modern-day setting. The tradition of pilgrimage is seeing a resurgence in…

Letter from the Interim Moderator

Greetings to you all at the beginning of a New Year. The past year has seen difficult times for our congregation here in Maxwelltown West, but as we look forward to a new year, I believe that there are new beginnings happening within our community, and I hope and pray that these will continue to grow and flourish during the…

A Letter from our Locum

As I type this article (last minute as ever) I can see clear signs of Spring bulbs coming up through the cold snowy earth, showing us signs of Spring in the depth of January.  Mid-January last year saw snowdrops in full bloom in my garden.  This year, barely an inch above ground level, proving this has been a much colder…