Greeting & Call to Worship
Welcome & Intimations
CH4 416 “Christ is alive! Let Christians sing”
Psalm 4
Prayers of Adoration and Confession & Collect of the day
Lord’s Prayer
CH4 2 “O righteous Lord who set me right”
First Reading: Acts 3:12-19
CH4 641 Refrain “Alleluia”
Gospel: Luke 24:36b-48
CH4 798 “The peace of the earth be with you”
Hymn “Listening God, you hear us when we cannot speak”
Offering & Prayers of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Prayer of Intercession
CH4 459 “Crown him with many crowns”
Dismissal & Blessing with CH4 819 “Amen. Amen. Amen.”
CH4 786 “May the God of peace go with us”